For Zayde…

My Mother was a single mom with 5 kids.  She was renting a one bedroom apartment over a garage that was really meant for a college student. She had a tough life and the five of us were a handful.

When Joel Bank came into her life, all of that changed.


He loved Mom and never made her feel like less.  If anything, he put her on a pedestal.

They built a house and a life together.

I was a teenager who rolled her eyes and smart mouthed every time he had a camera or a video out.  And that was often.

He documented our life and I am so very thankful for all that he captured.

My baby brother Kuper came along and became the common bond for all of us. 

When I became a stepmother and had teenagers of my own, I would apologize to Joel for being so disrespectful when I was a teenager, and he would laugh. He never held it against me.

He took us to Alabama Gymnastics and it was there at a meet that I decided that I wanted to name a daughter Reagen.  When I told him her middle name would be Jolie, he was over the moon.

He would tell Reagen that she reminded him of me when he met my Mother.  He always remembered the good times.

He attended everything he was invited to and he recently even sent me an email because he wasn’t invited to Reagen’s bridal shower. 

I laughed and I had to explain that it was only for women but a wedding invitation would be coming soon.

I will miss the way he followed me and would let me know that my Mother would be so proud of me.

I am so thankful for the love he gave her.  I am even more thankful for the love he gave us.

There was no doubt that he had not been the same since he lost Mother. Seven years had been an eternity for him.

Thank you Joel, for everything, but mostly just for being you.


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